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I am busy, I'm confused!

I have been very quiet this week.. no updates, no hopping around leaving any trail of my existence, probably due to the following reasons:

1. Nasreen will be having her exam next week, so I’m busy reviewing her syllabus (and also nagging to make sure she prepares herself). Yes, instead of her reviewing her books, the responsibility – by default – is shifted to me…. Hmm, mothers nowadays. We feel the pressure more than our kids (and we panic even more while waiting for the results to come out). Hehehe. I can’t remember my mother even touched my textbooks when I was in Primary 3. No wonder we grow old faster these days….

2. I’m having mood swings this week. One day, I feel elated, then mellow on the next day, moody on the following day. Work is adding on my desk, scope is being expanded, news is floating around and remarks are beings smacked everywhere (manage to steer clear of some and the rest sometimes just landed right on my very lap). Don’t you hate it when you are so positive that you’re being used, but your hands are tied, mouth is sealed, just so helpless to do anything because these are the people who sit right on top of you…

3. It’s the first quarter of the month, so deadline….deadline…deadline… (why was I so rajin and put 1st quarter in my action plan, in the first place......... should put 2nd quarter instead!)
Nik is coming back on Friday, so lots of things to do at home… in other words, lots of cleaning to do…. Not that I didn’t do all these while he's away*wink*, but just need a bit of extra polishing (I’m referring to my house, okay!), flowers to buy, burner candles to search (from somewhere inside that scary storeroom filled with boxes), bed sheet to change, plans to follow up, packing to do…..

Wahhh… now that I’ve listed down my responsibilities, it seems that I’ve only completed half of them… huwwaaaa!!!!

And just now, in one of the meetings, the team was discussing about kicking off a project which has been in the pipeline for quite sometime. We were discussing about compliance on some areas…. the labs in West Coast and East Malaysia (okayyy… not too far, still in Malaysia), the mud terminal (hmm… still, can go), the main research centre in Klang Valley (ok, this is not bad also, not at all, in fact!)…….until they mentioned….. the rigsoff shore…. and I went….. whhhhaaattttttt!!!!???????

Haiyoh! Please please please tell me I'm not going there……!!!!!!! (no lah, I don’t think we NEED to go there pun kan? Can do it from here whatttt…..) Alamak… I just told the CEO yesterday that I’m so ever ready to take up any challenges put before me….and today, I regret every single promise that I pledged….. why did I have that conversation yesterday lah!!!!! Me and my big mouth!!!!


Zetty said…
okay, does this rig has lots of single male engineers one ah? Send me la instead hehe.

NAH said…
yup....single-white/black/brown-male.... ada mau ka? I can nominate!
Saudari Lee said…
hahaha. kesian you. is your hubby back already? excited tak? mestipunya kanzz!
NAH said…
Haaiiii... he'll be back tomorrow... excited??? Hmmm, let me think, heheheh
Zetty said…
okay hmm..

Single brown male that can appreciate humor from one quirky funky lady.

It helps if he can speak good english.

Oh, no body odor pls.

Leilanie said…
please help Zetty find a nice, intelligent, humourous, sex crazy, no body adour, respectful, matured, responsible and single brown man;
Zetty is the sweetest, funniest and the most intelligent lady to walk this very earth. I've worked with her for 2 years at DRB-HICOM and I've admired her work ethics and I've always enjoyed our nice witty chats.

(Zetty - OK tak my sales pitch?)

And Zura, have you attacked Carrefour? You know that you've got presents to buy before noon tomorrow, right?
(hee hee)
eyna said…
Confusing kan.. Once you're bz, u'll bz all out..

Ni mesti Lanie dah attack Giant. Tesco.. here I come!!!
Leilanie said…
hee hee.
~ dah ~
Zetty said…
leilanie: that's like the best sales pitch ever! Eh, can i copy paste that to some personal ad column ah?


love u la, madame!
NAH said…
Zetty & Leilanie,
looks like a very long requirement and also may be difficult to find... especially that 'odorless' part.... hehehe... kat rigs tu takde mini market nak jual deodorant... hehe

And yes Lanie.... sounds very convincing, that sales line of yours. I'll definitely buy it if I'm a guy!
NAH said…
Ina & Leilanie, difficult to look for things within that bracket here in Bangsar, so I ended up with something with prices just a little bit off the border....

Very challenging la this one... hope u'll like them (i'm never good in buying presents...especially with certain limits imposed..hehehe)

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