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The Shopaholic In Me

How can you measure my level of 'shopaholic-ness'?

Let me tell you what happened this afternoon.....

A few days back... during breakfast @ office

WL : i bought a steam iron and it is very gooooodd.... u can iron and stand and watch tv...

Me : Whoaaaaa!  Really ah?  (mulut ternganga ala ala anak burung kelaparan!)

WL : Yeaahhhhh... very fast & easy u know! You go la and see .. (dia ni pun satu minah full of excitement jugak... saja la kan nak bakar semangat akak)  

A few days after that ... (that is TODAY)

It was lunchtime.  I went to OU New Wing with Kak Maz & got that iron... huhuhu!!!!

Harga?  RM429.

Berat?  Berkilo kilo hokay... terjengket jengket bawak balik to office all the way from New Wing to 1 First Avenue.  Agak agak sama la berat dengan berat badan yang dah kembang cam belon ini.....  (lupa diri la tu, Sunday ni dah la nak lari 10km... masih makan macam org kelaparan kat Africa!  haiihhhhhh!!!).

Motif pembelian?  errr... nak rasa la gosok baju sambil berdiri, sambil tengok tv... sambil lari lari anak ke dapur tengok cake yang di bakar.... 

Perasaan setelah membeli?  Priceless!


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