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X'mas Trip

It was the closing trip for Year 2010.... despite earlier hiccups and chaos, we both decided that no one will ruin our holiday this year.

As I said previously, it would not be our family destination if it was not for the decision by the majority, but we were left with no options when majority broke the treaty due to unforeseen reasons. Anyway, we proceeded with the plan and fun was all we had.... yes, baby!

Liza, my college friend for close to 17 years now, came along with us and with that, there was nothing more that I could asked for.

We hit the road on Friday, 24th Dec 2010 @ 7am (yes, it was Naqeeb's birthday) and it was quite a relaxing journey as the weather was cool that morning. There were my family, Liza's, Afiq and Aman. Even with a smaller group, we almost wrecked S'pore and JB.... muahahaha.

We reached Kukup Golf Resort in the afternoon, around lunch time, and we stayed in JB that day because everyone was tired. Since we were travelling, we postponed Naqeeb's birthday celebration till later. We hit S'pore the next day, 25th Dec 2010 - that is on the X'mas Day itself.

Nana: That's how you pose, okay?

After a good meal @ Zam Zam Restaurant in Arab Street (where we had the BEST-est Nasi Briyani and Murtabak), we went straight to Orchard Rd... and so the quest began.... hahaha

10 pax, 3 cameras.... made us feel like celebrities. The person on the left was the bodyguard, trying to chase paparazzi away, and the one on the right was chasing after me, trying to get a close up.... muahahhahaha....... berlakon kejap!

We spent the whole day in Orchard Road and of course, we shopped till we dropped...

It was close to 12am when we reached our hotel back in Johore... but it was a very satisfying trip to S'pore.

The next morning we went straight to Tanjung Piai, the Southernmost tip of Asia... and this is every reason why we were here in Johor. It took us about 10-15 mins from Kukup to Tanjung Piai and the view was breathtakingly beautiful.

To reach the end of the mainland, you have to walk through the jungle along the pathway... since I am not a person who is close to nature, I must say the the walk made me jittery all over. I just couldn't wait to get to the end of the bridge (the image of snakes were in my mind all the time...!) hehhehe

The photos will tell all the fun that we had..... yeayy!!! Yes, we finally conquered Tnjg Piai..... :) So next will be Koh Sa Mui!? No......?

Nana made Uncle Nik jumped.....?! hahahha

Nana was jumping in joy... and made me jumped like Tigger too... eheheh

Before we head back to KL, we stppoed by Kukup jetty and had the BEST-est (again!) seafood ... we had 5 FAT KETAMS..... a whole plate to ourselves, ey Liza.....!?

Big fat crabs... just for me.... :)


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