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Tagged by Cik Pijah

OK, Cik Pijah.... cabaran telah di sahut!!! Here goes the NAH's version....

First best friend: laahhhh…. So long ago, can’t exactly remember who was the first one.. ramai nih kalau nak list kan…..
First item you stole: my brother’s hair gel…. hehehe
First pet: a stray cat which I named “Kuning” – sebab color dia kuning. He was a frequent visitor and always left right after helping itself to a generous bowl of ikan kembung rebus & rice! Tak kenang budi betul that cat!
First piercing: ears piercing & spent about 3 months waiting for my ears to heal….
First school: forgot the name of the kindy, somewhere in Shah Alam
First house location: Section 2, Shah Alam
First crush: halamak… banyak nye soalan berbentuk historical…. Tak ingat lerr (bnyk sgt crushed and burned dulu… heheh)
First kiss: kissed by my parents when I was born.. (matila Cik Pijah marah cilok answer dia)
First car: haaa…this one is interesting….I was 19 when my father bought me a yellow and black mini minor JK 1313, with no air cond. Aiiyyahhh, u know la what happened when it rained. The passenger next to the driver had to constantly wipe the front screen because the screen would get hazy…. And my mom was my favorite victim…..hehehehe… Kalah ceita Mr Bean tau!

Last time you smoked: smoke akar kayu once to cure my sakit but never for pleasure
Last food you ate: a pack of nasi lemak for breakfast
Last movie you watched on dvd at home: Memoirs of a Geisha
Last movie you watched at the cinema: Memoirs of a Geisha
Last text message: to my husband this morning….
Last music video u saw: Because Of You – Kelly Clarkson
Last song you listened to: Runaway Train by Soul Asylum
Last words you said: Was asking my colleague just now, “Lunch nak makan apa?”

Dated a best friend: nevva
Been arrested: nope but once chucked into a US police car (front seat) for speeding while a rottweiler (at the back seat) was looking at me fiercely
Been on TV: nope
Eaten sushi: yup….. don’t like it at all
Cheated on your BF/GF: nasib baik I cheated ….I ended up marrying my husband :)
Been on a blind date: aiyak! Never tried also…
Been out of the country: yep
Been in love: well, at least, that’s what I thought

1. a lilac color tudung
2. my wedding watch

3. a Padini black pants
4. my wedding ring
5. my brand new lipstick from Boots (nude color lagi!)
6. purple color blouse
7. black ‘inner-wears’ (to go with my black pants…hehehe)

1. took my bath this morning @ 6am
2. decorated 3 trays of brownies that my friends ordered @ 5am
3. filled up my car gas tank
4. ate nasi lemak for breakfast
5. had 3 kuih cara, 1 kuih talam, 1 kuih kasui, and 1 slice of brownies

6. had a can of chilled Milo

1. beaches
2. travel
3. shop till I drop
4. snow season
5. nicely wrap present (regardless of its content)

1. My husband
2. Myself
3. My daughter
4. My son

1. To complete all rukun Islam
2. To see my children grow up & become successful in their lives
3. Upon accomplishing both 1 & 2, I want to travel around the world with my husband, enjoying every moment of our time together while it lasts (hmm…. mesti nak touch jugak bab bab sentimental ni!)

vanilla or chocolate: chocolate!!!!!!
rock or rap: ….tough question nih…. Rap kot!!!????

1 PERSON YOU WANT TO SEE RIGHT NOW? (phew.... ni soalan paling senang!)
My husband……. Huwaaaaa!!!!!!!

(ni nak berapa orang nih??? Hemtam saja lah!)
1. KuE
2. Bunkerangs
3. SexyMomma
4. Naddy (let your secrets out, gurl!!!)
5. Hamster…. (dah ready lom????)

6. Kimi

Tu je lah…. Yang lain tu sume hw lama tak siap lagi… don’t blame me for not nominating your names, k! Hehehe......


Leilanie said…
Wah >>>>>>> laju nyer Zura.
I've just read Cik Pijah's and you dah menyahut cabarannyer..... I'm still bloghopping (for the day) and you're all done with the tag for today!

P/s : Kinda diffifult to move at a fast pace when I'm stuck in a penguin suit. hee hee.
NAH said…
Today i'm hopping around with my wabbit suit on... tu la laju. Hehehe.... Monday blues kicking in, so hopping jap, do work jap, makan jap, hopping lagi, woking lagi... think tomorrow I'll gain back the momentum lah. You must change your suit, girl!
Anonymous said…
ekekekke let my secrets out yah?? ekekeke kalau refering 2 my blog title tu, it's my friend lerr not me... :P
ku E said…
alamak kena tagged here plak hehe... anyway i'll try to do it one of these days b4 my one-week course in jln gopeng huhu... besok i dun think so cuz got work in pengkalan utama, ipoh. apa2 pun i'll do it ;)

p/s- i hvn't go to watch pgl yet, maybe this weekend kot. last nite my sis went with sape entah. best kan dia, dpt comp tickets lagi.
NAH said…
Kalau ada secret la...hehehe...

OK... bila bila pun takpe. Take ur time.

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