Life’s been busy and I find less and less time available for blogging. I’m temporarily assigned to another subsidiary company to look into some compliance issues. Therefore, documents are piling up my desk and emails are flowing in my Inbox like…. no mercy! I’m supposed to complete this task by 12th December (that is 2 weeks from now)… the problem here is…. How can I!!!???? I’ll be on leave from 2nd December to 11th December… that means I only have now until Thursday (1st December) - F.O.U.R days, I kid you not! - to complete them…… hoollyyy ssmmokkee!!! OK… this should be my last post for this week before I’m off for a 10-day-long leave. How was your weekend? Mine? As usual…. Saturday morning, I was busy putting some final touch on my Lemon Cheesecake, ordered by a friend of mine for her husband’s birthday. After that, I went out to do some banking chores…. and managed to open up a savings account with HSBC bank in USJ. I will give the ATM card to Nik so that he can withdraw money fro...
Life without love is no life at all.... and life without words is definitely a misery. Therefore, enjoy yours while I enjoy mine..... and hear me rambling my incoherent thoughts about love.. about life.