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I've Been Tagged..... !!

LL, this one is for you, babe!


My Name:

Baking, eating, movie-ing, shopping, reading, music-ing, jogging, swimming, etc, etc

Shah Alam

PLC, located somewhere in KL


Hair Colour:

Eye Colour:
Sometimes I think black, sometimes I think dark brown

Skin Colour:
Fair…. Ke fur? Tu dah macam my Crystal…

Married with children

Last 5 digits of my mobile:

Your Birthday:
26 March

Have You:

Tried Smoking:
Yes & no

Drink Alcohol:
Hell no!

Been Hurt Emotionally:
Who hasn’t?

Kept a Secret From Anyone:

Been on stage:
Yes, doing the chicken dance…..heheh


Black, white and the rest – purple, blue, pink, green, yellow (in that order)

This is tough… it’s like everything!

8… why? Because my car no is 808 & it I thought it looks nice (nope! Not because I think it’s a lucky number!)

I used to adore Smurfette…. But now, everything that my children watch.

I’m so into Indon songs now… (for no apparent reasons!)

My old time fav. – Pretty Woman

Women, Health, Family, Beauty, Recipes, Celebs Gossips

Right Now:

Full office attire

Like that lor… that shoulder length hair that desperately needs some trimming, perming and coloring perhaps !?

Looking At:
Switching from my lap top to the loads on my desk, back again to the lap top, and again to the files on my desk…… *sigh*

Thinking Of:
When lah can I start my own business full time????

Listening To:
Samsons – Kenangan Terindah
(you guys must listen to this…. so syiok! Leilanie always said. So, who wants a copy??? angkat tangan , plis!)

Do You Believe In:

I would love to believe 100%....

Of course lah….

Yeap…. I think!?


Hiikkkssss…. I think lah. Now they have Pameran Hantu here in Shah Alam (real ones you know!), better don’t elaborate so much hor!

In the Last 24 Hours:

Wore Jeans:
Nope, in my office attire, sitting here at the same place, only doing a different thing.

Cleaned your Room:
Where got time? Well, maybe made the bed this morning

No way!

Met Someone New:
Got lah, a lot of new recruits around here

Last Person Whom I Talk To on The Phone:
The staff next door

Love Life:

Do You Believe in Love:
I think……

Have a Secret Admirer:
Hahahah….. no comment la hor!

Do You Wanna Get Married:
Not applicable lah this one

How Old Do You Wanna Be When You Get Married:
Never thought about this before I got married, but in actual fact, I got married at 24.

How Old You Wanna Be When You Have Kids:
-Same as above- … and I got my first child when I was 25, now she’s turning 9 end of the year…

How Many Kids Do You Want:
Initially, I wanted 4.. after having gone through so many complications and operations in every pregnancy, I have to re-think about that

Would You Have Kids Before Marriage:
Aiiiyoh…. Not applicable lah

Do You Have a Crush:
Ice crush mocha? Hehehe….. Crush on Keanu Reeves & Josh Hartnet ada lah!

What Do You Want Most In A Relationship:
Love, respect, honesty, commitment and a sense of responsibility
(LL, this one cedok from you har!)

In Random:

Your Favourite Local Footballer:
Local? Tak ada kot

3 People You Run To When You Have Problems:
Nik, my husband and father of my children

3 Things You Do When You Are Stressed:
Shop, Eat and Shop

3 Prominent Qualities of Myself:
So kind hearted & generous (ceh, perasan lah!), full of determination and friendly (betul ke yang ni?)

What Would You Do If You Have 1 Million Dollars:
The list is long, but Haji for family members, houses & savings for children, savings for hari tua, start my own business & of course…. Jalan jalan around the world….

Are You a Jealous or Insecure Freak:
A bit of jealous dengan husband ada la sometimes, tapi tak sampai la Freak stage….mild mild only... insecure? hmm..... tak sure, may be nope

Favourite Secondary School Teacher:
Mr Long, our Chemistry Sifu …Leilanie & Ina, remember or not????

People You Like To See Doing This Thing:
Can skip this one eh?? Who ever feels like continuing this chain of event…

Phewww...... ok, will write again later. I have so many pics to share....


eyna said…
Yes! Yes!.. I remembered that Mr Scientist. U think he's still teaching?
NAH said…
hehe.... i doubt it. He'll be too old to teach lah, sure kena buli cam dulu...:)
Leilanie said…
Yes, I do......
He has this big thick glasses over his nose, his hair as black as ever, but dalam minyak minyak tu, it's kusut masai, and his skin's pink !

P/s :
Nice to see you back.......
I've missed you.
NAH said…
Wah...very descriptive. heheh.. do u remember that his skin, besides pink, got some kedut kedut resulting from high exposure to chemicals (I think lah!) hehehe well, those were the days!

Yes, I'm back.... and thank you for the kind thoughts. Terharu gitu.

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