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Bye Bye Hair

11th July 206 ..... this date marked the history of Nasreen changing her hair style from this…

To this….

Blame it all on her momma!

She’s been donning her long hair ever since she was small, a baby in fact…. The shortest it gets is only up to her collar, and I would normally let her hair grow long. Only a bit of trimming once in a while…

Every morning, I would juggle my time to tie her hair nice nice, or sometimes ‘tocang’ her hair so that it looked neater, sometimes she demanded to ‘ikat dua’ and put some clips here and there, or sometimes ‘ikat setengah sikit sikit’ – whatever that means. You know lah children nowadays, very demanding. Lucky that my son is stuck with his ‘recruit-style’ hair since baby… like askar hair lah, they style where you have to use the machine to cut… Heheh…

Anyway, one day I woke up and felt that I would not subject myself to such torture every morning, ever again…. Mana nak iron my scarf (this one must be fresh from the oven, cannot pre-iron, else the ‘awning’ will not give the right shape – and yes, this rule applies all around the world tau!), mana nak hair-dry my hair, mana nak make up, mana nak pakai baju plus Nasreen’s demand for the right hair style every day…..

Geeez, I tell you, my blood always runs upstairs every morning. Not to mention my husband utilizing the only mirror in our room to himself… (tak nak share tu!) peehhh, I finally reached my limit. So off we went to the hairstylist in Plaza Sect 9 and told the friendly hairdresser that I wanted something ‘stylo’ but short….

And short hair was what we got. Both of us, me and my husband, were impressed. I think she looks neater and ‘comel’er…. No more that ‘serabai’ fashion as Nik always put it… hehehhe

And looks like this short hair style is here to stay for another few years until she knows how to ‘cantikkan’ diri…. Hehehhe

One responsibility is off the hook…. Yippee….


eyna said…
And she looks different too...
Anonymous said…
Ina, yes, nampak budak2 sikit... heheh kalau tak muka pun tak nampak because she is so lazy to tie her hair...
Leilanie said…
I've always like long hair.....

But true...... she does look better with this hairstyle.......
NAH said…
hehe... yes, I liked it long too, but then I couldn't cope with the daily demand... hence, the sacrifice :)
bunkerangs said…
wahhh..sama cam i lah..selama ni panjang or below shoulder level and now..habis i potong :) so tengah pujuk sarina nak suruh dia potong rambut dia..her reply to me was she;ll think about it..hahha
Anonymous said…
u see, children skrg tere .... they always have the answers to all our instructions... heheh but sometimes, I use my VETO power je... hheh
ku E said…
you like the long hair like puteri's ;)
Anonymous said…
Nasreen's dying to have long hair (sampai pinggang katanya...) tapi the mommy tak larat nak maintain. Mommy's hair to jaga, daughter's hair to jaga.... wah, boleh quit day job cam ni
NAH said…
kenapala jadi anonymous lak ni... KuE, that was me tapi don't know what I presses just now... hehe
Anonymous said…
Finally I have found you
*Crab panting*

I tried to find ur links tapi semua comments u takde ur url.
Finally after reading my archives , I found you

So here I am saying hello to you

I is not sombong tau, cuma hilang alamat awak je... Hehehehe
Anonymous said…
Cwab..... *shaking cwab's claws!*

Hello back... ye la, so long never talk talk eh. OK, now that we've found each other, we can borak2 balik...

I is not sombong osso!

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