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It was Nasreen's 9th Birthday (1 Dec 06)

It was Nasreen’s 9th Birthday last Friday (1st December 2006), but both, Nasreen & Naqeeb had diarrhea since Thursday.

I was on leave on Friday & I panned to take them out for a small celebration but Naqeeb could hardly walk & he was badly dehydrated as he kept on vomiting. I left him with my mom and since Nasreen’s condition was not that bad, I took her to Toys R Us to do some ‘birthday shopping’. We bought presents for Naqeeb as well although his birthday is on the 24th Dec 06. No cakes & no ice creams for the birthday girl as she was not allowed to take dairy products until she recovers fully …. L

I promised them since last week that I will take them to a movie…. so off we went to Cathay Cineplex to watch Happy Feet on Friday night. On our way up to the theater, I saw a couple going down on the escalator next to ours….and I thought, ‘oh she looks very familiar’……. And yes, she is…. I bumped into Naddy….. the funny part was, I was going up and she was going down and we managed to say hi and chattered with each other while going the opposite ways!

Blogging world can be fun and interesting, I must say!

Anyway, Nasreen has fully recovered but Naqeeb is still not feeling well. Yesterday, me and my husband were on MC as we both couldn’t stop making our trips to the toilet…… and today I feel like my body is as KECUT as an ‘asam boi’ as I didn’t eat anything since Sunday night… sigh! Lucky that I still have the energy to blog…… $#^&%&*^


Saudari Lee said…
finally an update from you!

miss you many2 lah! the other time u left a tag at my blog, i was waiting for you tau. i emailed you previously but no reply. can email me again? what kind of brooch were you looking for btw? i hope naqeeb is better now and do update often and keep in touch ok!
NAH said…

Hello friend.... yes lah. I'm bz like crazy lah now... how r u? OK, will try to update as often as before (I wish!).

I will email you on that brooch ok!
Hedge-Ay said…
Eh your kids pun birthdays in Dec. For me it is a crazy month with hubby and son's b'days, SIL and niece's b'day, road tax for my car b'day and of course masuk sekolah birthday. Semua nye nak sambut birthday sampai kosong duit dalam bank.
eyna said…
Where have u been??!!! Jgn lupa barang kat rumah I tu.. hehe
kimi azhan said…

Hope your son dah makin sihat now. You tak pegi holiday ke macam DNAS & Eyna tu? jeles nye la I.... takpe, nanti hubby dah free sikit I ajak dia jalan jugak!
D.N.A.S said…
my 2nd son punya birthday is on 12/12. Anak2 kita zodiak sama, ek?
Macamana satu rumah boleh kena food poisoning ni? Dah check the tap water? 3 years ago my 2nd son and I mmg selalu cirit birit, then my husband decided that we should only drink mineral water. So, sampai sekarang guna mineral water untuk minum and masak.
Leilanie said…
I miss you, too.......

Happy birthday to the kids....
Anonymous said…
it was funny kan eheheh atas escalator pun boleh borak2... bila la nak meet proper ni eh ehehe

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