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I need T.I.M.E

I’ve wanted to write and update my blog for a long long time, but time has never been very kind to me. I always feel like a day consists of less than 24 hours and the official working hours everyday is only 4 hours. Sigh!

Anyway, my last get-together with the wonderful-superb-unbelievable-Angels happened like 3 weeks ago and I took ages to blog about it….. finally, I decided not to elaborate so much about the meeting as the rest had already wrote about it & it’s too late for me to say anything now (it’s no longer hot from the oven lah). But I won’t disappoint you…. Check out the different versions of the tales by:


It was my first encounter with Kimi and Dee and trust me, they made you feel “at home”…. Hehehe. We talked and laughed like we’ve been friends for so long. They are truly fantastic supermoms (yes, that includes you guys, too, Leilanie & Ina!) And when moms get together, “maid” issues are da-main-topic.

Talking about maid, so far I’ve managed to survive without the help of a maid. I’ll be up at 5am everyday to prepare breakfast for the children and pack some food for them to bring to schools. At 6am I’ll be busy ‘fixing’ my own self… around 7 to 7.15 am I’ll be in my car and at 8am I’ll be in my office already. At 7 – 7.30pm, I’ll leave my office and reach home around 8 – 8.30pm. Sometimes I’ll cook simple meals and by 10pm, the kids are already in bed. Lately, I have been staying up late until 12-1am to finish my work and the circle continues, day in day out. What a hectic life I’m having. I bet even Superman is not willing to change place with me….

Yesterday I went to see our family doctor and I was referred to a specialist to check on my back bone, which is hurting lately. So tomorrow is the appointment … as much as I hate doctors and the likes (and the needles, the blood, the smell of hospital, the uniforms…. huaargghh), I know I have to do this just to make sure that it’s nothing serious.

Can I fast forward now and then skip tomorrow?


Anonymous said…
k.aini: ayoyo 8:30 sampai rumah ..dinner koi berapa ni? Berapa jam jumpa anak nihh? 2 jam sehari? Nasiblah my life no that hectic. By 6:30 dah ada kat rumah. Leaving for office 8:30 every day.
NAH said…
Kak aini
bestnyerrrr..... tu la my mother in law kata org kat KL ni macam burung. hheheh..pagi klua carik makan, mlm balik sarang. I nak jadi burung merak lah, can?
Anonymous said…
nah, used to stay in KL for 5 years..memang cam burung rasanya. Bila pindah Kuantan wahh terasa nikmatnya udara dan ikan segar plus no traffics jam..Tapinya shopping wise tak banyak option maaaa..*sedih*

ps: burung merak memang sesuaii ngan, burung merak ada sarang ka? hmm
Leilanie said…
I pray that the back problem you've experiencing is nothing serious.

Appointment pukul berapa?
Kita lunch date kat Italiannies the Curve, jom.
Leilanie said…
p/s :
You're a wondermom aka supermom.
kimi azhan said…

Good luck with the doctor's appointment - hope it is nothing serious...

Yes, you can be burung merak yg pandai masak kek & kuih a.k.a Ina the wonderwoman.... Nanti bubuh colour kek lapis you macam colour burung merak... lepas tu panggil makcik-2 bloggers dtg makan! Kami pasti datang!
kimi azhan said…
Alamak, tersilap tulis la pulak... nak tulis Zura, pegi eja Ina pulak.. jadi "makcik confuse" le pulak!

Sorry ye wonderwoman!
ku E said…
i have had experience working in sj for almost more than 13.5 years or so. luckily here i live together with family in our grandma's home, located juz behind of my work-place. i could even spent more time with kids if i miss them a lot. they even sometimes would come-over if they miss me ;)

anyway you take care okay.
NAH said…
Leilanie, Kimi & Kue

TQ TQ for the well wishes... have another appt to go thru...

Anyway, how was lunch @ Italiannies? Sure best eh?
eyna said…

How's ur check up? Hopeful nothing serious. Take care...
NAH said…

Not sure, got another appt to go. I hope so too.
Anonymous said…
wow! respect u supermom. i'd be half dead without my maid.

and take care of the backbone too. hope everything is alright by now.
NAH said…

Hehehe... sometimes I don't even know where I got all those energy from... heheh must be Pearl Kacip Fatimah... heehee

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