I was driving to work and listening to the radio this morning when a topic discussed by the DJ caught my attention. The DJ was interviewing a psychologist from Sunway Medical Centre and the topic was – Why forgive and forget when you should forgive and never forget. Of course they had callers calling in (mostly women) saying that they always forgive but sometimes never forget – I raised my hand in the car to show my support…. Hahahha. And all the time we have people telling us to forget about the past so that you can start new with your journey.. etc etc.. But this psychologist said that what we should do is not to forget what we had forgiven. History repeats itself and soon, we’ll be at a junction thinking … oh, this happened to me last time, now what should I do to handle this so that I will not face the same problem… or what should I do to ensure that the problem does not happen to me again? So to him, it is important to remember the past… As for me, I used to be a hard headed perso...
Life without love is no life at all.... and life without words is definitely a misery. Therefore, enjoy yours while I enjoy mine..... and hear me rambling my incoherent thoughts about love.. about life.