The greatest challenge in life is not thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less often... To be humble, we need to be around humble people more often.... but more often than not, we can't help but to talk about ourselves... what we have, what we do, where we go. I keep reminding myself of that but sometimes it happened without you realizing it. As much as we hate to admint... I guess being humble doesn't come naturally, it needs to be learned... and I bet this is one of the hardest lessons to be learned. As a Muslim, when we pray.. do you notice the beauty of our postures as we pray? We stand up looking down.. or when we sujud and ruku' .. everything reminds us to be humble as we are facing Him. The standing posture is as if to say that we are ready to obey Him and his teachings. Sujud and ruku' are as if to express our feelings that we will bow to his commands in our daily lives and submit to Him com...
Life without love is no life at all.... and life without words is definitely a misery. Therefore, enjoy yours while I enjoy mine..... and hear me rambling my incoherent thoughts about love.. about life.